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First Aid Kits
  • SuperKit (270 pieces)

  • GoKit (130 pieces)

  • "Loaded" MiniKit (60 pieces)

  • Refill (77 pieces)

  • Ice Packs
  • Ice Packs

  • Bandages
  • All Patterns

  • Camo

  • October 19, 2022 3 min read

    Well, what do you know! The holidays are here, again. Us moms have long since mastered the art of making this time of year as magical as possible. We practically train all year! While I’m 100% dedicated to and love giving joy, I wonder if there’s anything we could do to reduce the pressure on ourselves to make everything perfect, increase efficiency and have more time to enjoy the holiday season? After lots of deliberation, I think I’ve come up with a few ideas on how to do just that.

    Instead of stressing out about making perfectly decorated sugar cookies, take a breath and let the kids help decorate. Your loved ones will be tickled to receive treats made with this sweet, personalized touch! If you love decorating cookies, you could make extra for your kids to decorate alongside you. 

    Next, the wrapping paper. Your kids won’t remember perfect gift wrap but they will remember wrapping that matches their personalities! Paw Patrol paper? Sure! Neon green, store bought bows? You bet! If the art of wrapping paper design isn’t your thing, this tip is an easy way to reduce some stress! If you love curating your gift wrapping, please send tips for mom’s short on time. 😂

    The most important of all, let’s get you some time back with your family by reducing your time spent shopping. Our goal is for you to finish your holiday shopping at least 2 weeks before. Sounds impossible, right? Wrong. We’ll help you get started with some of our best gift ideas for the people on your list! 

    For the Air Traveler Road Trip Voyager: GoKit

    The GoKit is the perfect gift for someone who loves to travel. It fits easily in a carry-on, is TSA approved and compact enough for even a backpack, plus it has everything you’d need for an injury on the go. Scraped knee? No problem – the GoKit has large bandages, non-sting cleansing wipes and triple antibiotic ointment. Tick? It has a tick remover, alcohol wipes and small bandages! Find out everything else this kit has to offer to treat nosebleeds, blisters, burns, and more here!

    For the Sports Coach and Soccer Mom: SuperKit 

    From floor burns to bloody noses to the occasional sprain broken arm, the SuperKit can assist with it all. Complete with an instant ice pack, a triangle bandage and even a finger splint – a MUST HAVE when you’re coaching kids or are a sporty family basketball or football –  this nurse-approved trauma kit is the perfect sideline sidekick. P.S. It even comes in a sports print! 

    For the Mom, who retired the big diaper bag: MiniKit

    Let’s be real, mom’s need all 3 of our First Aid Kit sizes, but the MiniKit is especially handy. Small enough to throw in a purse yet mighty enough to patch up any every day, rough and tumble cut or scrape, this kit is not a want, it’s a need! 

    P.S. Don’t forget to read our other helpful holiday blogs, including how to fix wrapping paper cuts and treating common kitchen wounds

    We hope you all have a safe, merry and bright holiday season! Like this blog? Follow us on Instagram at @keepgoingfirstaid and like us on Facebook for tips and more. 

    Did you give a First Aid Kit? Did you get one?! Be sure to tag us on social media! 


    Antje & The Pepper Family at KEEP>GOING