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First Aid Kits
  • SuperKit (270 pieces)

  • GoKit (130 pieces)

  • "Loaded" MiniKit (60 pieces)

  • Refill (77 pieces)

  • Ice Packs
  • Ice Packs

  • Bandages
  • All Patterns

  • Camo

  • September 01, 2022 2 min read

    Nathaniel Hawthorne once said, “I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house.” We couldn’t agree more! Fall is a great time to get outside as a family and hike, especially if you live somewhere the leaves change. While the idea of a hike may sound great, the thought of doing it with young kids can be daunting to say the least. Fear not! We’ve traveled and hiked in over 23 countries with our four children and have seen it all! From splinters to skinned knees to everything in between. We’ve compiled our top tips for you.


    Hiking First Aid Kit

    Give your children some control:

    Remember, if this is the first time you’re introducing hiking to your family, they likely won’t want to do it again if they don’t have any fun. Try giving your children the opportunity to make decisions on the hike. Let them set the pace, choose which direction to go, and when to take breaks. They will, of course, want to explore this new terrain, looking at bugs, finding “cool” sticks, etc. Our tip is to let them! Don’t go in with a schedule or set of expectations, let your kids take the lead (within reason) and see what happens. Pro Tip: If while they’re exploring new bugs or prickly plants and they come back with a bite or scratch, your KEEP>GOING First Aid GoKit will have sting relief wipes, hydrocortisone cream and bandages ready to go!

    Prepare for potential separation: 

    This may seem like overkill, but we highly recommend setting older each children up with a small backpack, carrying with them a couple snacks, a kid-sized water bottle, a small First Aid Kit like our MiniKit, and a whistle. If, by chance, you do get separated, your child will have the ability to bandage themselves, whistle for help and nourish themselves. Another item you could add is a laminated card with your name and phone number on it. We like to say that you can never be too prepared!

    Keep everyone well fed, hydrated and cool:

    Fall can still be hot depending on your location, and strenuous exercise can make the heat that much more exhausting. The combination is a perfect recipe for dehydration, so be sure to pack an abundance of cold water with you on your hike. If your child is complaining of heat or thirst, pull them into a shady spot and offer them water to drink. Be sure to check for signs of dehydration, sunburn or heat exhaustion. Our SuperKits (back in stock in October!) come with an instant cold pack, which can be helpful if your child is feeling symptoms of heat exhaustion. Prior to the hike, ensure that everyone is fed and energized. Low blood sugar can lead to not only grouchiness, but also fainting and fatigue. Pack a couple extra snacks, just in case!

    Stay safe, positive and prepared this Fall! We’ll surely be taking advantage of the season on our local trails. Like this blog? Follow us on Instagram at @keepgoingfirstaid and like us on Facebook for tips and more. Be sure to tag us on social media in your family hiking photos! 


    The Pepper Family at KEEP>GOING


    Hiking First Aid Kit for families